Embracing Efficiency: Ways to Automate Household Chores

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In today’s fast-paced world, the last thing we want is to be bogged down by endless household chores. Fortunately, there are various automation tools that can help lighten the burden and make our lives more convenient. From robotic vacuums to smart home systems, automation has revolutionized the way we manage household tasks. In this article, we will explore easy ways to automate household chores and free up more time for the things that truly matter.

  • Smart Home Technology: The cornerstone of home automation lies in embracing smart home technology. Start by investing in a reliable smart home hub or controller that serves as the central point for managing all connected devices. From there, you can expand your smart ecosystem by incorporating smart bulbs, plugs, thermostats, and security systems. With smart bulbs and plugs, you can remotely control lights and appliances, optimizing energy usage and creating the illusion of an occupied home when you’re away. Smart thermostats, on the other hand, learn your preferences and adjust the temperature accordingly, promoting energy efficiency and comfort. Meanwhile, smart security systems enhance home safety with features like remote monitoring and automated alerts.
  • Robotic Vacuum Cleaner: Bid farewell to the days of manually pushing a vacuum cleaner around the house. Robotic vacuum cleaners are intelligent devices designed to autonomously clean your floors while you focus on other tasks. These nifty gadgets navigate through your home, avoiding obstacles and adjusting their cleaning patterns based on the floor type. Some models even offer mopping capabilities to keep your hard floors shiny and spotless.
  • Automated Lawn Care: Maintaining a pristine lawn can be time-consuming, but automation can come to the rescue. Robotic lawnmowers are designed to trim your grass regularly without any intervention. They operate on a set schedule or can be activated remotely through a smartphone app. With robotic lawn mowers, you’ll enjoy a perfectly manicured lawn without breaking a sweat.
  • Automated Kitchen Appliances: The kitchen is often a hotbed of household chores, but automation can streamline the cooking and cleaning process. Consider investing in appliances like smart ovens, which allow you to control cooking settings remotely. Additionally, dishwasher models with smart features can be programmed to run during off-peak hours when electricity costs are lower, saving you money and time.
  • Home Automation Routines: Most smart home systems offer the functionality to create custom automation routines. These routines can be triggered by specific events or schedules, making it easy to automate several tasks simultaneously. For example, you can set up a “Good Morning” routine that turns on the lights, adjusts the thermostat, and starts brewing your coffee at your preferred time. Similarly, a “Good Night” routine can lock doors, turn off lights, and arm the security system before you head to bed. Like a home care aide, these automated routines can be very helpful for the elderly.
  • Explore Voice Assistants: Voice assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant can be your virtual helpers in automating household chores. They allow you to control smart devices using voice commands, eliminating the need for manual interactions with various apps and interfaces. With just a few words, you can dim the lights, turn up the music, or check if the doors are locked.

Apart from the common household chores mentioned earlier, you can also automate various other chores to simplify your daily life. Here are some more examples:

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  • Automated Laundry Systems: Laundry can be time-consuming, but some advanced washing machines and dryers offer automation features. These appliances can be programmed to start and finish cycles at specific times, allowing you to take advantage of off-peak energy hours or ensuring your laundry is ready when you need it. But if you really want to save more time and energy, subscribe to a laundry delivery service. They’ll do your laundry perfectly according to your requirements and you’ll also look your best.
  • Automated Prescription Refills: Many pharmacies now offer services that allow you to automate the refilling of your prescription medications. You can set up automatic prescription refills, where your community pharmacy will proactively refill your medications when they are due. This way, you won’t have to worry about running out of essential medications. Furthermore, some pharmacies have online stores where you can buy home healthcare products, personal care and even household products and deliver to you as well.
  • Medication Dispensing Devices: Some advanced medication organizing and dispensing systems can automate the process of organizing and dispensing pills. These devices sort and dispense medications according to your schedule, often with built-in alarms and alerts to remind you to take your medication.
  • Online Vitamin Subscriptions: Many vitamin and supplement companies offer online subscription services. By setting up a subscription for your preferred vitamins and supplements, you can ensure that you receive a fresh supply regularly without the need to reorder every time you run out.
  • Automated Bill Payment: Setting up automatic bill payment through your bank’s online platform can save you time and help avoid late fees. Many utility companies and service providers offer the option to set up recurring payments, allowing you to pay your bills without manual intervention.
  • Automated propane delivery: If you use propane for heating, cooking, etc. for your home, sign up for automatic propane delivery. With automatic delivery, the supplier knows when to deliver propane to you without you having to call them. You’ll never run out of fuel because you forgot to check or to call. Isn’t that a life saver?
  • Automated Pet Feeders: If you have pets, automated pet feeders can be a lifesaver. These devices dispense pre-measured food at scheduled times, ensuring your furry friends are fed even when you’re not at home.
  • Automated Plant Watering: For those with indoor plants or a garden, automated watering systems can keep your plants healthy and hydrated without requiring daily attention. These systems can be set on timers or triggered by moisture sensors.
  • Automated Grocery Delivery: Many grocery stores now offer online ordering and home delivery services. By setting up recurring grocery orders or using grocery subscription services, you can automate grocery shopping and have essentials delivered regularly.
  • Automated Calendar and Reminders: Use digital calendars and task management apps to automate reminders for appointments, birthdays, and other important events. These apps can send you notifications to ensure you never miss a crucial date.
  • Automated Garbage and Recycling Systems: Some cities have started implementing automated garbage and recycling collection systems, where special bins are equipped with electronic sensors that notify waste management companies when they need to be emptied.

Embracing automation in various aspects of your life can be a game-changer in terms of time management and convenience. By automating household chores, bill payments, prescriptions, and other routine tasks, you’ll free up valuable time to focus on activities that bring joy and fulfillment, leading to a more balanced and stress-free lifestyle. Take advantage of the technological advancements available today and explore ways to automate tasks to optimize your daily routine.

Getting Ready for Winter

The colder weather is coming, and we’re still in a pandemic. Putting a little effort into preparing now will make the winter a whole lot easier to handle. Here are some great tips to keep in mind while you’re getting ready for winter.

a house in winter snow.
Photo by Kelly Lacy on Pexels.com

Stay Healthy

Winter is already smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season, and now we have COVID-19 to worry about as well. Stock up on hand sanitizers and cleaning supplies, but don’t hoard! Just pick up one or two extra each shopping trip until you have a small supply to get you through the winter months. Don’t forget to get your flu shot at the local pharmacy. Now it’s even more important than ever to keep up on your vaccinations.

Stay Warm

Even with lots of preparation, unexpected problems may occur like a broken furnace or power outage. You don’t want to be without heat in subzero temperatures. Your local pharmacy or supermarket might carry small space heaters. Also, consider buying a power generator, if you don’t have one yet, in case of power outages. If it’s a propane generator, then make sure you get a reliable propane supplier. Now is also a perfect time to take all your winter coats and down comforters to the dry cleaners, so they’re fresh and clean when you need them. Your summer clothes should be cleaned and put into storage too, if you still haven’t done so.

Prep You and Your Family’s Skin

Harsh temperatures can wreak havoc on the skin. It can even cause some pretty gnarly diaper rash for your little ones. My local compounding pharmacy in Newton makes a fantastic diaper rash cream called Baby Ease, which you can buy online. Make sure you have plenty of body lotion and rash cream, which, of course, can be found at your local pharmacy.

Check on Your Loved Ones

If you have elderly parents or loved ones who live alone, make sure you check in often during the winter. You may even want to consider getting companion care services from a home care agency. Even if your elderly loved ones are still healthy, the cold months can bring in the winter blues. A professional caregiver can keep an eye on your loved one’s behavior as the nights get longer, watching for mood changes. Home caregivers are also trained to provide meaningful conversation and engage seniors in activities at home. A little extra help and companionship will keep your loved one mentally and physically healthy. 

Hope these simple tips will help you and yours be ready for a safe and healthy winter. 

Dealing with Stress and Anxiety At Home Due to COVID-19

stressed woman in messy home

This is a tough time. COVID-19 has shifted our entire world. Things aren’t back to normal yet, and we have no idea when they will be. If you’re already prone to stress and anxiety, this time may be especially hard on you. Or it may be triggering your anxiety or depression. Know that you’re not alone. We’re all in this together. Don’t be afraid to get help, or speak with your therapist about new issues that are coming up due to the pandemic. In the meantime, I have a few ideas to take some of the stress out of everyday activities. Every little thing helps, especially now.

Don’t Worry Too Much About Home Chores

Since we’re home a lot more than usual, there could be some extra pressure to keep your home clean and tidy. But in reality a lot of people have a messy home right now! To take some pressure off, consider hiring a maid service, and taking your laundry to the dry cleaners nearby. They probably offer more services than you realize. If you care for your elderly parents or family members, now is a perfect time to consider hiring an in-home caregiver. Any service that can check some chores off your daily to-do list would be a huge help.

Herbal Remedies

There are plenty of natural remedies to help with anxiety. Herbal teas are always a great way to get a little downtime during the day. Even the ritual of making a cup of aromatic herbal tea and sitting somewhere quiet to drink can be a huge stress reliever. Remember, increased caffeine intake can actually increase anxiety symptoms, so look for caffeine-free teas. If the tea ain’t cutting it, consider some herbal supplements. I know that the pharmacy near me has a wide variety of natural stress and anxiety aids. Your pharmacy may do the same, too. Check them out and ask the pharmacist for suggestions while you’re there.

Don’t Forget About Your Pets

Animals can sense when things are off. If your schedule is different now, and your pet’s routines have changed as a result of the pandemic, they may be feeling some anxiety too. It wouldn’t hurt to check with your vet about possible antidepressants for dogs. Also, making a few extra trips to the dog park during the week can help both of you get some stress relief.

Remember, we’re all feeling the effects of the pandemic right now, and it’s important to take care of each other.

Spring Cleaning Time!

Spring is here! It’s finally warm up. Now is the traditional season for fresh starts. For many, that means putting away winter clothes and giving your house a good spring cleaning.  Here are a few tips for making the annual ritual less stressful.

Start with a plan.  Make a list of the tasks that you want to accomplish. Assess which parts of the house you need to cover and figure out where you want to start.  Review the plan with family members and get their input on the cleaning goals too.

Do a little bit at a time.  You don’t have to do it all at once. Tackle one task from your list each day. Seeing results helps motivate you and makes spring cleaning feel less overwhelming.

woman cleaning up her home

Tackle the clutter first.  Getting rid of items you no longer need or want will help to free up space. Freeing up space also makes it easier to clean so the rest of the job goes smoothly. Tackling the clutter can also help reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. Spring cleaning is a good time to organize things and to get rid of unused clothing, furniture, and appliances.

Always dry clean your winter clothes before you put them away for the season. Particles left on your winter clothes can stain and set in after months of storage. During that time, moths may feast on the dirty fabric as well. You can also use a laundry delivery service for the heavier bed linens and comforters to save time and effort.

Don’t forget the medicine cabinet. Gather up any medications that have expired or are no longer needed, including both prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs. Having expired medication around not only clutters your cabinets, but can also be dangerous.  You don’t want to risk yourself or a loved one taking the wrong medication.  Your local pharmacy can help you refill prescriptions and restock over the counter medications as well as dispose of the expired ones properly.

Check the fridge and pantry for expired food items and throw them out. Again, freeing up space allows you to organize your food items and become a more efficient cook.

Spring cleaning is a great tradition. Make it a fun activity for the family and everyone can enjoy a cleaner and more organized home afterwards.