Fighting the Winter Blues

2020 was a tough year. And as much as we wish it were true, the clock turning to 12:01 on New Years Day doesn’t make all of that hardship disappear. Sure, we’re going into the New Year with a sense of optimism and hope, but that still doesn’t mean we all can’t get bogged down with a case of the winter blues. That term in itself has a deeper meaning this year. Luckily, there’s plenty of easy things we can do to make things a bit simpler. 

Winter in Boston

Clean House

Did you know that studies have shown that keeping your house tidy and eliminating clutter can actually decrease anxiety and lessen depression? Executing a little action on the things we can actually control in our life keeps us from dreading the things we can’t. So winter is the perfect time to do those chores you’ve been putting off all year. Clean out that crawl space, organize that closet, rearrange that pantry. All these things can create a little order in a chaotic time. Take those blankets and comforters to the dry cleaners or consider a laundry service for those piles of laundry that just can’t figure out how to wash themselves.

Stay Healthy

When you’re experiencing the winter blues, it’s even more important to take care of your physical health. Eat lots of healthy, fresh whole foods. Take a daily multi-vitamin. Pick up your prescribed medications on time, and talk to your doctor about any health changes or concerns. Your local pharmacy has everything you need to keep up with your health. And don’t forget your flu shot!

Stay Warm

Winter brings lots of unexpected weather. Be sure you have plenty of backup methods of keeping warm in preparation for winter storms. Space heaters are great, but if the power goes out, they’re not going to be much help. Consider a propane heater for Plan B. Check out the nearest propane tank refill service to ensure your supply.

Think of Others

If you’re experiencing the winter blues, think of how hard it might be for those that don’t enjoy the independence you do. Elderly loved ones can feel especially isolated and lonely this time of year. Consider hiring a home care aide for your loved one that could use a little extra help around the house.

Fighting the winter blues can be a team effort if you consider all the resources already at your fingertips in your community. 

Getting Ready for Winter

The colder weather is coming, and we’re still in a pandemic. Putting a little effort into preparing now will make the winter a whole lot easier to handle. Here are some great tips to keep in mind while you’re getting ready for winter.

a house in winter snow.
Photo by Kelly Lacy on

Stay Healthy

Winter is already smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season, and now we have COVID-19 to worry about as well. Stock up on hand sanitizers and cleaning supplies, but don’t hoard! Just pick up one or two extra each shopping trip until you have a small supply to get you through the winter months. Don’t forget to get your flu shot at the local pharmacy. Now it’s even more important than ever to keep up on your vaccinations.

Stay Warm

Even with lots of preparation, unexpected problems may occur like a broken furnace or power outage. You don’t want to be without heat in subzero temperatures. Your local pharmacy or supermarket might carry small space heaters. Also, consider buying a power generator, if you don’t have one yet, in case of power outages. If it’s a propane generator, then make sure you get a reliable propane supplier. Now is also a perfect time to take all your winter coats and down comforters to the dry cleaners, so they’re fresh and clean when you need them. Your summer clothes should be cleaned and put into storage too, if you still haven’t done so.

Prep You and Your Family’s Skin

Harsh temperatures can wreak havoc on the skin. It can even cause some pretty gnarly diaper rash for your little ones. My local compounding pharmacy in Newton makes a fantastic diaper rash cream called Baby Ease, which you can buy online. Make sure you have plenty of body lotion and rash cream, which, of course, can be found at your local pharmacy.

Check on Your Loved Ones

If you have elderly parents or loved ones who live alone, make sure you check in often during the winter. You may even want to consider getting companion care services from a home care agency. Even if your elderly loved ones are still healthy, the cold months can bring in the winter blues. A professional caregiver can keep an eye on your loved one’s behavior as the nights get longer, watching for mood changes. Home caregivers are also trained to provide meaningful conversation and engage seniors in activities at home. A little extra help and companionship will keep your loved one mentally and physically healthy. 

Hope these simple tips will help you and yours be ready for a safe and healthy winter. 

Support Your Local Businesses During the Pandemic

COVID-19 has changed the world, and changed the way we do just about everything. Local businesses are being hit hard, and now more than ever, we need to come together and support them. Here’s how.

Shop local sign on a window

Support Your Local Dry Cleaners

The dry cleaners near me are taking quite a beating right now, since the majority of the office work force is now operating remotely. You may not have suits or fancy work clothes to clean, but what else do you have lying around the house that could use refreshing? Comforters, linens and specialty fabrics maintain their shape and longevity the best when cleaned once a year. Call your local dry cleaners ahead of time to check on their current hours and policies.

Support Your Local Pharmacy

You may think that pharmacies are doing fine during the pandemic, but that may not be the case. Smaller, independent pharmacies are being hit just as hard as everyone else. Your local pharmacy isn’t just for prescriptions, they also carry most of the supplies you need for common illnesses and cuts and scrapes. And don’t forget that you can get most vaccinations and flu shots at your local pharmacy as well. 

Support Your Local Restaurants

Restaurants are really struggling right now, especially the ones that usually feature fine dining. If you’ve been living off of cheap take out and more inexpensive fare, consider treating yourself once a week. Call your favorite fancy restaurant ahead of time and check to see if they’re offering take out specials. Most are, and you’ll be able to enjoy a gourmet meal in the safety of your own home.

Support Your Local Salons

Most salons are now open, although they have lots of new rules in place. If you’ve been putting off that haircut or beauty treatment, now may be the time to try. Call ahead of time to check on hours and protocols in place. Grab your mask and hand sanitizer and be sure to tip well. Most workers in the service industry are just getting back to steady income and could really use some extra support.

This is a hard time for all of us. So let’s all support each other and do what we can to make sure our favorite neighborhood spots can survive this pandemic.