Taking Care of Your Dry Skin in Winter

The winter weather can wreak havoc on our skin. It can be even worse if you have sensitive skin to begin with. It’s important not to ignore the beginning signs of dry skin, since it can quickly become flaky and cracked if ignored. Cracked skin can lead to pain, bleeding and even skin infections. Here are some ways to take care of your dry skin in the wintertime.

Stock Up on Good Quality Lotions, Creams and Moisturizers

Lotion is an absolute must in the winter. You’ll find that you need to moisturize much more often than you do the rest of the year. Having several bottles of good quality moisturizer or cream in your house, in your car and in your purse or backpack will keep you prepared. Apply it on your hands and forearms several times a day, as those are the areas that tend to get the driest. But also apply to your whole body right after a hot shower, that will ensure your skin will stay moisturized longer. The pharmacy near me has a great selection of lotions, creams and moisturizers, and I can also consult the pharmacists there for the products that suit my skin. If needed, they also offer skin compounding service, providing compounded medications with specific strengths, dosages and forms for skin conditions such as eczyma and psoriasis.

pumping lotion on hand

Don’t Forget About the Kiddos

Kids tend to get incredibly dry skin in the winter, and may not think or be able to tell you. Be sure you’re applying lotion daily to sensitive areas. Always check the ingredients and try to use unscented or undyed when possible. And don’t forget the diaper cream!

Beware of Irritants

Dry flaky skin can be especially sensitive to irritants. So it’s important to be aware of what kind of products you’re using on your laundry in the winter time. If you use a wash and fold service, or take items to the dry cleaner, be sure to let them know about your sensitive skin and allergies.

Aging Skin Can be Particularly Dry and Sensitive

If you are caring for an elderly family member, be sure to keep their skin moisturized in the winter time as well. Any home caregivers or medical help should be aware of any sensitivities or allergies your loved one has. Keep an eye out for reactions from certain products.

Dry skin can be a nuisance, but by taking a few extra steps in the winter, you can keep your skin soft and moisturized.

Getting Ready for Winter

The colder weather is coming, and we’re still in a pandemic. Putting a little effort into preparing now will make the winter a whole lot easier to handle. Here are some great tips to keep in mind while you’re getting ready for winter.

a house in winter snow.
Photo by Kelly Lacy on Pexels.com

Stay Healthy

Winter is already smack dab in the middle of cold and flu season, and now we have COVID-19 to worry about as well. Stock up on hand sanitizers and cleaning supplies, but don’t hoard! Just pick up one or two extra each shopping trip until you have a small supply to get you through the winter months. Don’t forget to get your flu shot at the local pharmacy. Now it’s even more important than ever to keep up on your vaccinations.

Stay Warm

Even with lots of preparation, unexpected problems may occur like a broken furnace or power outage. You don’t want to be without heat in subzero temperatures. Your local pharmacy or supermarket might carry small space heaters. Also, consider buying a power generator, if you don’t have one yet, in case of power outages. If it’s a propane generator, then make sure you get a reliable propane supplier. Now is also a perfect time to take all your winter coats and down comforters to the dry cleaners, so they’re fresh and clean when you need them. Your summer clothes should be cleaned and put into storage too, if you still haven’t done so.

Prep You and Your Family’s Skin

Harsh temperatures can wreak havoc on the skin. It can even cause some pretty gnarly diaper rash for your little ones. My local compounding pharmacy in Newton makes a fantastic diaper rash cream called Baby Ease, which you can buy online. Make sure you have plenty of body lotion and rash cream, which, of course, can be found at your local pharmacy.

Check on Your Loved Ones

If you have elderly parents or loved ones who live alone, make sure you check in often during the winter. You may even want to consider getting companion care services from a home care agency. Even if your elderly loved ones are still healthy, the cold months can bring in the winter blues. A professional caregiver can keep an eye on your loved one’s behavior as the nights get longer, watching for mood changes. Home caregivers are also trained to provide meaningful conversation and engage seniors in activities at home. A little extra help and companionship will keep your loved one mentally and physically healthy. 

Hope these simple tips will help you and yours be ready for a safe and healthy winter.